Taxis in Cayman
Learn how taxis work in Cayman including fare structure, availability and find a list of taxi companies.

You will find that plenty of taxis are readily available in the Cayman Islands.
The Cayman Islands Government owned digital fare calculator CI:GO helps ensure consistent and transparent pricing for taxi fares by setting standard prices for routes. The app allows passengers to plug in their route, the number of passengers and see what the fare should cost in both US and Caymanian dollars. It also allows users to input the number of passengers and how many pieces of luggage a visitor has. There is also a sliding scale of price increases for journeys of five passengers or more. The CI:GO app is available for free in the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.
Sample fares for up to three passengers are:
- Airport – Central George Town CI$20
- Airport – Marriott Hotel & Resort CI$25
- Airport – Bodden Town CI$55
- Airport - East End (Morritt's Resort) CI$104
Taxi Companies
George Town & SMB:
- Truly Blessed Taxi (345) 517 2274
- Ace (345) 949 3676
- Blue Iguana Taxi (345) 916 3306
- Crown (345) 916 0111
Eastern Districts:
- McCurley’s (345) 947 9626 (North Side)
Cayman Brac
- Mossy Taxi Services (345) 939 9517
The Purple Ribbon Bus on New Year's Eve
The Purple Ribbon Bus is a free bus service in Cayman that is designed to prevent drinking and driving over the holiday season.
The buses will be displaying flashing purple lights and purple exterior reflective signs. Although the buses have designated pick up locations, the buses will also pick up passengers at all major restaurants, bars, nightclubs, and bus stops.
For more information on the 2024 service, check the NDA’s Facebook page where details have been posted. You can also view the NYE Purple Ribbon interactive map HERE.