Hospitals, Clinics & Urgent Care

Hospitals, Clinics and Urgent Care in Grand Cayman

Information on where you can find medical care whilst on vacation

James Sedgley image
Last updated 15 December, 2023
Cayman's various medical facilities are well equipped with fully trained staff

In addition to the three main hospitals, the largest being George Town Hospital, which manages medical emergencies for the three Islands, there are several walk-in and urgent care clinics. There is also a clinic and pharmacy service which can come to you, wherever you may be staying.

Always consult a qualified doctor for medical advice. If you are in the Cayman Islands and are experiencing a medical emergency, call the emergency services on 911.

Doctors Express is primarily an urgent care centre that handles a range of issues from common colds to more severe injuries. They offer on-site X-rays, labs, and a pharmacy. No appointments are necessary—just walk in for prompt care. The on-site pharmacy is open seven days a week from 9 am to 9 pm.

Located in the Grand Pavilion Commercial Centre on Seven Mile Beach, Total Health is a comprehensive healthcare facility offering outpatient services like Medical Consultation, Diabetology, Ophthalmology, ENT, Dental, Physiotherapy, Nutrition, Pediatrics, Gynecology, On-site Laboratory, Imaging, Health Checks, Work Permit Medicals. It serves as a convenient one-stop destination for preventive health solutions. There is also an on-site pharmacy open Monday-Saturday 8am-8pm.| 

Revolutionising the traditional doctor's office, this membership-based primary care ensures faster and easier access. Tailored subscription rates cater to both tourists and residents. Connect with their team for a convenient telemedicine check-in and preliminary diagnosis. Mobile clinicians are readily available for in-person visits based on the consultation, and prescriptions can be delivered directly to your door.

Stay Hydrated

Particularly in the summer months, the combination of high temperatures and humidity can lead to increased fluid loss through perspiration. If you're out shopping or touring the Islands, carry a reusable water bottle and consistently replenish fluids throughout the day to help prevent dehydration and maybe, a visit to a medical clinic.


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