Reef's Go Live - June 6th

By: Central Caribbean Marine Institute
Fri 6 Jun, 2025
From 10am

World Ocean Day Reefs Go Live: Climate Change and our Ocean

Friday, 6 June 2025

10 am – 10:45 am (UTC -5h)

FREE registration:

The past few years have bought record-breaking climate extremes across the world, including the rising temperature of the oceans globally and here in Cayman. Coral reefs have often been referred to as the ‘canary in the coalmine,’ the ecosystem at the forefront of these pressures. Join CCMI to understand how recent marine heatwaves have impacted the reefs of Little Cayman.

CCMI will also dive into the ocean’s unique ability to absorb CO2, regulate weather and planetary health, help to mitigate the impacts of climate change, and how CCMI is working towards supporting this climate mitigation in Cayman.

This episode links to the international DearTomorrow campaign, dedicated to inspired people to reflect on their climate legacy through the act of crafting personal letters to the future. CCMI’s educators will reveal their promises to their families, communities, or future selves about climate change and will encourage viewers to do so too. All DearTomorrow promises will be submitted to the campaign, joining over 5,000 climate-concerned voices.

Reefs Go Live is supported by the Edmund F. and Virginia B. Ball Foundation.

To participate in the interactive portion of Reefs Go Live, with live question and answer, polls, and engagement with CCMI’s team in Little Cayman, register and join us here:

Learn more about Reefs Go Live at



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